5 Proven Tips to Improve Puff xxl Taste for Beginners

5 Proven Tips to Improve Puff xxl Taste for Beginners

Puff xxl
Puff xxl
 offers infinite possibilities and, sometimes, we can't understand the best way to use electronic cigarettes. With that in mind, we have prepared content with 5 proven tips for those who want to improve the flavor of their juice.

In this case, it is very common for people to prioritize the number of vapor clouds, to the detriment of its flavor. Don't be another one to do this! Check out our entire article and guarantee a remarkable experience with your e-liquid.

5 tips to improve the taste of Juice

Puff xxl Juice is one of the most important items for lovers of electronic cigarettes. Therefore, knowing how to enhance it is essential to enjoy all its qualities. See below for the tips we have separated.

1st Tip – Get to know juices with higher PG

In these years on the market, we've noticed that most vapers opt for the PG/VG ratio of their liquids over time. As we saw above, people's main attention is the formation of large clouds, so they end up using e-liquids with high VG.

However, if you follow our advice to prioritize flavor, juice with high VG is not the best option. So on your next purchase, why not choose a higher PG e-liquid?

Here's a caveat: the main disadvantage of Puff xxl juices with higher PG is the impact it causes on the throat. Too high a ratio can easily make the vaporization too strong.

We recommend a 50/50 ratio. In addition to ensuring maximum flavor, you are less aggressive to your throat. It is also possible to bet on 60/40 or 70/30 if you want an even better taste.

For starters, prefer the 50/50 ratio.

2nd Tip – Review the power and temperature settings

Yes, it is possible to enhance the flavor of your juice by reviewing your device settings.

Remember: specific scents vaporize at different temperatures, and their setting indicates how hot the coil gets. Therefore, it is also valid to bet on devices with variable voltage/power.

In this case, our biggest tip is: start with the lowest settings and work your way up to the sweet spot. Each Puff xxl e-liquid has its sweet spot, so here we just have to try and get it right.

3rd Tip – Be careful before buying and after buying your juice

As it is a device, you can't be too careful.

Thus, we emphasize that you need to pay attention when buying some components, especially the coil.

Use Good Quality Coil

In case you didn't know, the type of coil known as a coil plays a key role in the amount of flavor you feel on the vape. Here, the crucial factor is the diameter of the atomizer head.

Bet on a sub-ohm tank with a smaller diameter coil. However, these parts are not always easy to find. Some viable alternatives are smaller coils, even if they're not sub-ohm, and reusable atomizers – that's right, you can make your coil.

Calm down that this topic did not end here. Let's talk about the maintenance of your Puff xxl device and your juice.

Yes, you need to take care of all this after purchase.

Maintain Proper Puff xxl cleaning

We emphasize: after a few days of using the device, the flavor starts to lose strength. That is, clean the tank, bobbin, and cotton thoroughly.

Puff xxl cleaning is simple and practical: disassemble the tank, rinse the components in hot water and let it dry (24 hours is usually enough). We recommend having a spare coil for this time.

Do not think that care should only be about the components of electronic cigarettes. Your juice also deserves extra attention. So, store your e-liquid correctly as flavors can degrade with insufficient storage. Also, keep it away from heat, light and minimize outdoor exposure.

4th Tip – Pay attention to the airflow

There are some “tricks” that can be used to enhance the flavor of a juice.  This produces denser, hotter steam which, per table, brings much more flavor. Adjustable airflow systems on atomizers make this task easier.

 Puff xxl  2021

However, it is necessary to find the balance. If your Puff xxl airflow is too tight, you will have poor steam production and it will be too hot. Following the methodology of tip 2, start with a tightly closed airflow and open it little by little, until you reach the ideal point for your taste buds.

5th Tip – Choose well the absorption materials and resistance threads

Did you know that the material you use for your wick can play a huge role in the flavor produced?

Vape Causes Cancer: Truth or Lie? 

Last month, we wrote some cool content about lies you were told about Puff xxl. Today's article addresses another controversy related to the world of steam: after all, can vape cause cancer?

If you want to know more about the subject, read on and we explain everything!

Disinformation about vape steam is a serious problem

Unfortunately, as we've seen here, there is a somewhat skewed narrative when it comes to Puff xxl. Although we have studies that explain very well the impacts of e-cigarettes on users, people against the product continue to spread inaccurate information that can confuse those who are not familiar with vape.

This situation becomes even more serious when smokers are afraid to switch from the traditional cigarette to the electronic one, doubting if this substitution is positive.

What do studies say about Puff xxl?

Beware of misinformation. The studies mentioned above are very important, as they serve to unmask malicious research.

For example, in 2015, a study by Portland State University stated that the main risks linked to the use of Puff xxl were carbonyls accidentally produced when the product was vaporized at excessively high temperatures.

However, after the publication of this study, numerous scholars deepened the controversy.


Simple: the Portland studies were based on vaporizing the product at a temperature impossible for a person to use. In this way, the device used burned its metallic coil, atomizer, and wick, involuntarily producing a vapor filled with aldehydes.

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